
The author of this site is historian and author, Marilyn A. Hudson.      With degrees in  history and library information studies from the University of  Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, she ferrets out intriguing tidbits of history to view history from a different perspective. As a storyteller she blends facts into engaging and thought provoking fictional creations.  

In serious research mode
She has been a school library media specialist, an archives fellow, a public librarian and an academic library director.  In addition, she has been a professional storyteller sharing tales across the region for over a dozen years to listeners of all ages in schools, churches, and concert venues.

Her writing career began in 1979 and she had nearly 300 articles published in various magazines and newspapers over the years. She was winner of several awards from the Oklahoma City Writer's Club and first place winner in a national denominational writing contest.  Currently she manages several blogs and continues to write on a variety of subjects and in several genres.

She was researcher, lead writer and committee head for the history committee which put together the history of Southwestern Christian University called One Nightclub and a Mule Barn: The First 60 Years (Tate, 2006).   She was a contributing writer and researcher for the Bethany Centennial History Book (Quary, 2010).  It is now out of print but available in most local history collections in the area.

Her first book was in 2005, the children's work, Elephant Hips are Expensive which shared the story of how Oklahoma children rallied to raise money to buy an elephant for the zoo.  The fictionalized version was illustrated by then University of Oklahoma student, Haley Fulco and the reissued version by Molly Lemmons.     In addition, she has had work included in three of the four volumes produced by the Red Dirt Book Festival Anthology series.

Her other titles include: 

  1. Oklahoma Bad Girls. Interesting gals and their pals of the Gilded Age in Oklahoma (2017)
  2. Foul Harvest (2015)
  3. Into Oblivion: Murders, Missing Persons, and Mysteries (2015) OUT OF PRINT
  4. The Sword of Anath (novel). 2014
  5. Murderous Marriages (2013)
  6. Madame Delaine : the case of the daring girl detective, 2012
  7. Noel Brooks, 2011
  8. The Mound, co-written with Cullan Hudson, 2011
  9. The Bones of Summer, 2011
  10. Tales of Hell's Half-Acre 2011
  11. When Death Rode the Rails, 2011
  12. In Her Own Words, a compilation of inspirational poems by her mother with biographical narrative, 2010
  13. Those Pesky Verses of Paul, (first issued 2008 and revised and reissued 2011)
  14. Elephant Hips Are Expensive 2005, reissued 2013)
  15. Oklahoma Saints, Sinners and Saloons, due out 2020
  16. Sooner Saucers, due out 2020 
  17. The Cases that Haunt Us - due out soon

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Hudson, my name is Bradley Wynn, historian for the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office. I stumbled upon your blog doing some online research. I have records that have never been shared with the public before, that we are just now digitizing. I've also been putting together a large collection of artifacts from our OCSO history since 2013. I just thought I'd share what I am doing if it might help you further your own research too. I am also looking forward to seeing your books in print soon! Here's a link to the Facebook page I set up awhile back to share all the fun on my own project, entitled Badge & Brass:


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