Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Lover's Lament. A poem by Marilyn A. Hudson

The Lovers Lament

A Poem by Marilyn A. Hudson, 2015

He said I’d wear fine satin and lace
When he wooed me under the moon.
Spend my days in contentment and grace;
Then my dreams turned to ashes and ruin.

Be careful of words falling like wine;
Heed well, those caresses like gold.
Weigh carefully your answer to ‘will you be mine?’;
These things I wish I’d been told.

He said I’d wear fine satin and lace
When  he wooed me like a knave.
Memory is all I  have left of his face
For I buried him deep in that grave.

So gents tend well just how you dally;
As you chase your Meg, Peg and Sally.
The wages of falsehood are gave –
It may be your own life you save.

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